We're looking for people like you to join us to strengthen our constitutional republic.

The Wisconsin Alliance for Civic Trust is a cross-partisan network of Wisconsin residents that promotes values fundamental to our democratic republic, including support for fair, safe, and secure elections, and support for civil engagement.

WisACT represents a broad cross-section of Wisconsin, including working people, religious and business leaders, former elected officials, veterans and a wide range of civic organizations. This is about values, not politics.

How It Works

As polarization increases, so does the risk of political and identity-based violence. The Wisconsin Alliance for Civic Trust is bringing Wisconsinites together who share a common concern for the future of our state and the mutual desire to build a more healthy society for all – regardless of political beliefs. Participants should:

A group of people shaking hands in agreement

Encourage Civil Discourse

Promote peaceful resolution of disputes through constructive engagement within your networks and across communities.

Checking the boxes

Promote Accurate Information

Share accurate information to help build trust in our elections.

Hands shaking and taking action

Take Action

Counter acts of intimidation or violence through dialogue, conflict-sensitive communication, and rapid response planning.

Senior Advisors

Helping build a stronger constitutional republic for all Wisconsinites!

Led by Senior Advisors David Haynes and Scott McCallum, the Wisconsin Alliance for Civic Trust is a cross-partisan initiative working to bring Wisconsinites together and bridge our political divides.

David Haynes

Democratic Co-Lead


Scott McCallum

Republican Co-Lead