The Wisconsin Alliance for Civic Trust is a cross-partisan network of Wisconsin residents that promotes values fundamental to our democratic republic, including support for fair, safe, and secure elections, and support for civil engagement.


America’s democratic republic faces unique challenges as distrust undermines long-established norms and institutions and threatens our democracy’s ability to resolve political conflict. The Stockholm-based International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance labeled the U.S. a “backsliding democracy” in 2021 and found the following year that the U.S. had dropped in three of four major categories monitored by the group. Now more than ever, Americans must rally around our republic.

These principles are the foundation of what members of the Wisconsin Alliance for Civic Trust do:



 Our society works best when built upon a foundation of cross-partisan trust in democratic institutions.  To support this, we work to provide accurate information and foster an environment for healthy political debate, grounded in verifiable facts. Our coalition gives individuals from diverse political backgrounds a space to work together. By focusing on shared democratic values, we demonstrate that constructive dialogue and mutual respect are possible, even amid political differences.


We must work hard to ensure that every eligible vote is counted accurately, and that our electoral system is free from intimidation and coercion. We advocate for and support electoral processes that are open, fair, transparent, and secure.


Peaceful engagement between Americans, regardless of political affiliation, is fundamental. We promote nonviolence and collaboration to resolve differences and prevent identity-based and political violence.

If you or your organization would like to publicly endorse these principles, please contact our co-leads:

Scott McCallum (Scott.McCallum@cartercenter.org) or David D. Haynes (David.Haynes@cartercenter.org)


WisACT members also support the Principles for Trusted Elections. Launched in 2022, the nationwide, this cross-partisan initiative asks citizens, organizations, and public officials to uphold five core principles of democratic elections. The Principles are:

Peaceful transfer of power

As the 2024 Election approaches, our aim is to push back on partisanship by getting citizens in every state to support these principles. Leaders from across Wisconsin's political spectrum are collaborating with WisACT to support these principles.


David D. Haynes boasts decades of experience in Wisconsin media. He worked in a variety of roles at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, including business editor, opinion editor, Ideas Lab editor, and community engagement coordinator. In 2017, he founded the Ideas Lab, aiming to address Milwaukee and Wisconsin's challenges through commentary and solutions journalism. As the leader of the organization's statewide editorial board and the Journal Sentinel's community engagement efforts, he collaborated with partners statewide to foster relationships centered on listening to the public.

Before joining the Journal Sentinel, Haynes served as a senior editor at The Sun in Lowell, Mass. Prior to that, he worked in his home state of Indiana, where he was part of the team at the Fort Wayne News-Sentinel that won the 1983 Pulitzer Prize for local reporting. Haynes' journey in political reporting began with covering a stop in the Hoosier state by Walter Mondale during the 1976 presidential campaign.

Today, Haynes resides in a Milwaukee suburb with his wife, Lisa; they have two adult children.



Republican Co-Lead

Scott McCallum served as Wisconsin Governor from 2001 to 2003 following a 14-year tenure as Lieutenant Governor and 10 years in the State Senate. He holds a B.A. from Macalester College, a M.A. from Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, an Honorary J.D. from Marian University, and a PhD from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

From 2005 to 2015, former Governor McCallum was President and CEO of the Aidmatrix Foundation in Dallas, TX. Under his lead, Aidmatrix expanded from a regional nonprofit to one of the world's largest technology providers in the humanitarian sector, collaborating with over 32,000 clients across five continents.

McCallum taught at the UW-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health, and later as an adjunct professor in the LaFollette School of Public Affairs. Currently, he teaches in the UW-Milwaukee Bader Institute of Nonprofit Management.

He has published and presented globally on technology for humanitarian purposes, its impact on jobs, and public policy. He also facilitates collaborative projects for health care and technology companies globally. His academic research sheds light on the technology revolution's influence in the world economy.

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